Friday, August 3, 2012

The Art of Writing. Er... Blogging

Yeah, I know.  I'm sorry.

I think I'm having some kind of strange blog fatigue thing and it's all my fault. It has to do with social media + sports punditry overload, as well as a crazy-business + a general exhaustion of being a Twins fan these days... but I'm not blaming anyone but myself.

Lately, every time I've sat myself down to write something I've had this feeling that it's all been said, tweeted, posted, sound-bite(ed) to death already.

I seem to have forgotten how this blog thing works and, actually, how writing works, which is like this : that I have my own, unique perspective because I am me, not you, not Phil Mackey, not La Velle E. Neal, not TwitterFace33. And what I write because it occurs to me (thank you William Stafford) might just be something you've never heard before or that makes you think or that makes you mad or that moves you.

So, I'm considering this post as a writing exercise of sorts, a reset to remember what it is I do here.

So there.

OK, here we go!
Here are five random thoughts on the Twins right now:

  • I'm really surprised that base-running genius, all around little cutie-pie, Mastroianni's first name is Darin. Really? Darin?
  • I still call Justin Morneau "Porno." When he first came up we all called him 'more-NO' (remember?), which I remembered by thinking 'like bordeaux.' Then he corrected us and we were all embarrassed and my new trick became 'like porno.'  I guess it stuck.
  • It turns out I have no opinion on the Liriano trade. I just don't really care (who knew?).
  • It would be awesome if the Twins had a dugout cat. Maybe a grouchy looking persian named TK who just paces and looks disappointed for no reason. 
  • It will be incredibly sad when Denard Span is no longer a Twin, which I'm guessing will happen in the offseason. What a great player; what a great guy. 

Thanks, buddies. As always, I'd love to hear your thoughts (especially on dugout cat).

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