Friday, December 16, 2011

The deal is done. Dimples is gone.

Am I bad person if I am not sad about this?

Every longtime Twins fan will miss Cuddyer in a certain way-- as a great guy, the face of the team, a leader, a workhorse. I will miss all of that, too. Plus, ah, those dimples. But, as great as all of that is, it doesn't translate into production and that is why we're all at this show, isn't it?

In the interest of my genuine best wishes for Cuddy in Colorado, I won't go into the many ways he has been as infuriating as heroic in the last few years and focus on why this really is a good move for the Twins and, I'd venture a guess, for Michael and his little Cuddy family, too. To say that he seemed firmly over it by the end of the season is not to lie.

So we swap out for Josh Willingham -- by the numbers and age, pretty much 1 : 1 for Cuddy with a bit more power, less grounding into DPs, and high numbers on "isolated power," whatever that is. Although pretty cute, Willingham appears dimpleless, too bad. But with him we save a little pile of money (which I'm assuming has a big "for pitching" sticky note on it) and pick up 2 draft picks. Seems pretty win-win from all angles.

What do you think? Am I underestimating the importance of his solid leadership?

And, who is it that will step up and into the role? Obviously, it should be Mauer, but we know by now that, for whatever reasons, he seems utterly unable to embrace himself as the face of the team. Morneau? That would make my day as I cannot get enough of that goofy little grin he sports when speaks. Span, maybe?

So, best of luck Cuddy. For real, yo.

Ciao, buddies.


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