I know. I've been a bad blogger lately-- no new posts in nearly a month. But, to be fair, it's been a really busy month. For me, I mean. For the Twins it's mostly just been more of the same. So, I'll skip the recapping and instead do a quick (sorry, still really busy over herrre) version of feature: t
he good, the not quite there yet, and the ugly.

The Twins are making moves. Valencia is down, Liriano is in the bullpen, Clete Thomas is already gone, some other guys I've never really heard of are doing things. I think the roster shake ups are good for the Twins right now. Hey, at least we're trying something-- and a couple of the moves are looking good so far. I'm talking to you
Scott Diamond and
Brian Dozier.
Other good:
Matt Capps is acting like a real MLB closer.
Jamey Carroll's glorious trucker 'stache he rocked for awhile. (Bring that shit back, Jamey with a y. It makes your face look much less young Dafoe-ish.)
The Valenti's mega stuffed meatball = one of the most popular new culinary kids on the block at Target Field. SIG Baseball mom and I split one and we liked it. But just
liked it.
The meat has some nice flavors and the sauce is tangy, but the mozz it is "stuffed" with is mostly nonexistent and flavorless. I'd rather see it stuffed with ricotta or not stuffed at all. It was also a little dry and could use some fresh herbs in a bad way.
I think I'd rather have it as a hoagie with melted cheese on top. Yes, I would definitely rather have that hoagie style.
Also, come on -- a big Italian meatball? That's pretty uninspired if you ask me. And you should ask me; I am seriously into meatballs. Buffalo chicken balls, nacho balls, goat balls stuffed with olives stuffed with ginger, sweet balls, butter balls, turkey and dressing balls in cranberry mushroom sauce, brat balls... this kind of thing is
the future the now of meatballs.
Work on your balls, guys.
Dear Trevor,
You cannot face King Felix, or anyone else for that matter, with a curly Tom Brady bob and expect him, or anyone else for that matter, to take you seriously as a person.
Thank you.
p.s., There also might be a few little issues with your offense. And your defense. Oh, yeah, and your hair.
BREAKING NEWS: Plouffe cut off his curls for Locks of Love,
"Donating in honor of my mother, Diane," Plouffe
(@TPlouffe24) tweeted. "She's a Breast cancer survivor who lost her hair
during the chemo. Love her!"
So. I'm a dick.
Now I'm not even in the mood to say other mean things about Plouffe or tell you how the awesome Larry Sutin called him "The Plouffinator" and I laughed for a week. Well played, Plouffe.
Well, woopsie, I guess this post isn't so short after all. Who knew I had so to say about meatballs (besides anyone who has ever met me).
Ciao, buddies!
p.s., This is so insanely, adorably baseball-nerdy I can hardly stand it. And, honestly, if I didn't believe that Rivera will indeed come back next season, it would probably make me weep.