What So It Goes Baseball is All About

First, this blog is not serious. Here you will not find stats or scouting reports or fantasy analysis-- unless your idea of fantasy involves a side-burned catcher and certain patches of Target Field grass. If so, then you might be in the right place.
I don't want to say this is a baseball blog for chicks, but I can't exactly say that it's not. Its origin lies in a suggestion from a sportsfan lady friend who was looking to get more into the Twins, which manifested in a goofy email that has since taken on shades of a life of its own and has left my (tiny) audience wanting more.

So, why not? I love to talk about baseball with friends. I, as we humans do, have my own unique -- sometimes silly and girly, sometimes prescient and inspired -- way of looking at thing and might just have something new to add. And, sometimes, that something new might be a little bit dirty.

A few more things to know about this blog. It is:
  • a direct homage to the much beloved and missed Batgirl blog. I pray it is not read as too much of a ripoff, truly. Bat Girl lives on Twitter, @TwinsBatgirl
  • OK here to talk about players' hair (especially sideburns and mustaches), clothes, bodies, off-field antics, attitudes, relationship status, dazzling smiles... you get where I'm going. I'm not Buster Olney and not embarrassed to say it.
  • possibly as much about food and drink as baseball. I will be exploring as many of the Target Field and surrounding area's food & bev items as possible this season. Beware, food trucks, I'm coming for you.
  • a place to share! Send along your own blogs, tweets, facebook pages, etc. and I'll happily add you to the mix. And, please, don't lurk... let's chat!
And that is what So It Goes Baseball is all about. Well, I think this sounds fun.

Balls (and strikes) Forever.